MRW Post Three

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MRW Activity Two.

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MRW I Am Poems

Please post your poems here.


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Book Recommendations for Dr. Meyer

If you have any YA Literature recommendations for me, post them here.  Thank you 🙂



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Literacy in the Disciplines Discussion

It was wonderful meeting everyone last week. I have uploaded the Draper chapters to the course readings page on this blog. While reading the chapters think about whether this view of literacy challenges your understanding of literacy. Some discussion points to think about:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ conceptualizations of literacy? Why or why not?

2. How well do Draper and colleagues conceptualization of literacy align with the CCSS?

3. Do you believe approaching literacy in this manner will help students be successful members of a literacy community (in a particular discipline)? Why or why not?

4. Do you believe the broadened definition of texts and literacy will appeal to content teachers? Why or why not?

Remember these are just suggestions. Please feel free to add your own food for thought.

Ready, set, discuss 🙂


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Hello Literacy Learners

Greetings fellow literacy learners.  I am very eager to begin another semester of learning.  In our class, we will explore the world of adolescent literacy. I’ve developed the course around three main concepts:

  1. The Literacy Needs of Adolescents
  2. Young Adult Literature
  3. Literacy in the Disciplines

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